Thursday, February 19, 2009

MTC Instruction: Song Laoshi On Missionary Potential

Song Laoshi

MTC Provo

19 February 2009

See a lot of potential and wants to bring that out. Plan of Salvation gives a peace and a goal.

We are in God's household.

  • He knew our strengths and weaknesses.
  • Wanted us to have everything he has.
  • God's face will be familiar to use when veil is lifted. We choose to obey him.
Not teach investigators new stuff but bringing it to their remembrance. Abraham 3:24-25.

Our calling as missionaries most sacred part of the plan of salvation..entrusted with God's souls.

We get sidetracked thinking about ourselves but this is the Lord's work.

Unfocusedness melts away as you think about investigators.

Your time is the Lord's time.

Bruce R. McConkie "Selected as personal representative of Jesus Christ." This is what Jesus Christ wants you to be here in this district in this room in this minute.

Start keeping goals and making them i.e. SYling, paying attention in class.

Stop wasting time, losing focus in class.

Start encouraging others to do better and lifting their confidences.

Stop being so focused on me. Let go. This is the Lord's work, I've wanted to do this since I can remember, so it's time to do it right and lose myself in the work. Don't lose who I am but lose my worldly focuses.

Wants to reiterate urgency.

Do we fully comprehend the urgency?

Urgency hasn't set in this class. Urgent calling for immediate action or attention.

Do we feel the urgency in this work like an apostle that said if he could go back, knock on every door and then when he collapsed he would lay and yell the gospel. That's how urgent it is!!

Everything needs to be done with a sense of the importance of the gospel.

Pray for Mission ALREADY, so you get attached and realize people will depend on us.

Our mission has started.

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