Not a lot of time this week, so sorry. I just sent a picture of Chen Huiping's baptism. It takes a long time to get pictures on here. Daidai is getting baptized this Saturday. We are also meeting really amazing investigators who are ready to hear the gospel. I'm having a lot of fun. My district is really fun. The Elders are very willing to help us if we ask for something. My companion is working on a list to help make a video for the deaf sign language here and they are coming to the church on their p-day in a couple minutes so that we can make the list on Brother Li's computer, since the sisters can't meet with him alone. We are going to Taipei this Saturday after the baptism to tape the video. She's excited.
We met with two investigators this week. It was very cool. One of them, Zhu Di, or Judy in English...was willing to come to every church activity we have. She's amazing. She was contacted by the zone leader here in Zhongli, Elder Rice, and he passed her over to us. The only problem is she has no job and is living with Jehovah's Witnesses, who give her clothes and a place to live for now...so I don't know what their reaction would be if they knew. She wants to find a job and live independently though, so I'm praying for that. She already made a baptism date.
We also have Wang Zixia who showed up at church last week. We gave her another first lesson and she has her baptism date for the 23rd. She's from China and really nice. She just doesn't really understand why our church is different yet. Hopefully she understands a little more now.
This week was zone conference. It was really good. Our President Nielson is such a nice man and his wife is amazing. She knows her stuff. I learned a lot. They told us to teach our investigators the doctrine, not just the principles and applications, so we need to work on that more.
I realize I don't know the scriptures that well, so I'm going to work on getting to know them more...okay, that's all for this week, I'm calling for mother's day but I still don't have everyone's phone numbers and won't check my email again...So I'll see what I can figure out...I have this phone card with 20 dollars on it it's pin number is xxxx and the toll free number is xxx so if i figure out my phone number I can call you and maybe you guys can call me back with that since I can't use it and it expires in 180 days. We'll see how that all works, I'm not sure yet?
Okay! Time is running out I better send this.