Tuesday, March 17, 2009

MTC Devotional: Supporting Companions

L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Barbara Perry

MTC Provo

17 March 2009

Barbara Perry

As you sing the Spirit is able to touch others.

The Lord will bless you for your service.

L. Tom Perry

Vitality, spirit and enthusiasm...the earth needs it more than ever before.

When Uncle Sam developed a cold the whole earth got pneumonia.

Preach two by two.

You do not go on a mission alone, you go two by two.

Support each other. The Lord established a pattern.

Learn to deal with and live with your companion.

Promise you will have happy relationship.

Alma 4 judged people, delivered seat so he could spur people up, pull down pride and craftiness.

D&C 6 keys of gifts

Companion study is so valuable. Seek to obtain my word.

Message of First Vision touched their souls.

Ch. 3 Uniform truth.
  1. Restoration
  2. Plan of Salvation
  3. Study
Take time to study with companion, never miss a day, make it a vital part of your mission.

Study with your companion. Together you will understand more than you could by self.

Realize the importance of leadership.

Be willing to teach and learn from your companion.

Need to protect one another from harms and dangers.

You are on a mission now. Don't try to hide things companion is doing wrong from mission president.

John 1 who loves his brother

Learn how to serve each other. Try to do little things for your companionship.

Build unity...if you are not one you are not mine.

Avoid contention. Never allow contention to enter in.

Never be alone. Never hug a child.

Go to bed and wake up with companion at same time.

Hope you have companionships that bless your lives.

Doesn't matter the size or the shape, it's what's inside your companion.

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